A multi-media presentation about anti-colonial/anti-capitalist organizing against the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Winter Olympics.
with Jill Chettiar & Dave Cunningham,
organizers with the Anti-Poverty Committee (APC) of Vancouver
UQAM – 355 Ste-Catherine East
Pavillon de gestion, room R-M110
Berri-UQAM Metro
[Following the Montreal Anti-imperialist CONSULTA against the Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Montebello, Quebec.]
In the past several months, grassroots efforts to oppose the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Olympic Games have heated up: Olympic ceremonies have been disrupted; the official Olympic flag was stolen by indigenous demonstrators; an Olympic organizing official’s office was trashed; protesters have been targeted with gag orders and arrests.
All over the province of BC, the games are being resisted. Indigenous communities, anti-poverty groups, and the radical environmental movement have come together to prevent any further destruction of land, and the displacement and criminalization of BC’s poorest communities.
The APC has been active in resisting the Olympics, against gentrification and displacement in Vancouver’s poor downtown Eastside, and in solidarity with indigenous struggles for sovereignty and self-determination.
Jill Chettiar and Dave Cunningham of the APC will share perspectives from the resistance in Vancouver, as well as provide information about the 2010 Anti-Colonial Convergence in British Columbia.
INFO: noii-montreal@resist.ca * 514-848-7583